
Home center




Improvements for the DALI module VMBDALI

Windows client

  • When restoring a backup you can now choose to keep the current users and not to overwrite them with the users of the back up file.
  • Internal improvements to make virus scanners give less warnings (false positives).

2N intercom

  • Improvements to connection with 2N (better compatibility since updates)
  • Management of connected devices in the web settings

Web interface settings

Many settings screens have received improvements to make them more user friendly:

Zone manager & Zone editor

  • List of type of devices to choose from now only shows what you have configured (it is no longer cluttered with devices you don’t have)
  • Some reported bugs have been fixed

Cameras & Access units:

  • better information about the number of cameras that are available through your license.
  • Adding and removing devices: better UI

General improvements

  • Full reset & auto-create zones didn’t work in certain situations
  • When restarting home center service and you go directly to the Home page: the empty buttons will be filled as soon as the statuses are all read by home center (the buttons remained grey when you were to fast)
  • Many internal improvements to have better stability when many systems are linked to Home center
    • For example:
      • Music devices (Sonos, Roberts, Harman, JBL, Marshall speakers)
      • and 2N Intercom devices
      • and IR Global caché
      • and Air-conditioning (through HMS Intesis: Daikin, Mitsubishi, Fujitsu, Panasonic, LG, Toshiba)
    • This includes a ‘self-restart’ system when Home center ‘stops working’ after a few weeks or months

Home center

New features



Home center

Support for the VMBDALI module: now connect any DALI® drivers to Home center and Velbus!

See all supported Velbus modules


In the Android app / Web app buttons can now have different colors as well!

These colors can now also be set in the Zone editor in the web interface.

Many improvements have been made to the Zone manager and Zone editor


Add values from the devices as variables in your SMS and Mail (body and text)

Important note:

  • SMS: new Clickatell implementations are not working due to an API change by Clickatell. This will be resolved in the next version
  • For email settings: some customers noticed it is no longer possible to send emails via Telenet (Belgium). Our advice is to use the GMAIL App-passwords as explained in the Email guide that you find in the manuals and downloads on the module!


On connection loss due to bad network, and eventual recovery after some longer time (minutes or hours) statuses were not updated in Home center, now they are updated automatically.


  • Stability for the connection with 2N intercoms
  • Stability for connection with Air-conditioning modules
  • General stability improvements
  • Faster startup with many connected devices

Home center

New features

Edit zones in browser

Zone manager and editor are now available in the web browser. It is no longer necessary to install the Windows client to update and manage the zones.

Use the Zone Manager to:

  • Create and name the zones
  • Set background image and icon
  • Define the scaling of the buttons
  • Auto generate zones
  • Not yet available in version import Trikker file.
  • Remember to Click Save when you leave the screen

Use the Zone Editor to add and organize buttons on all the zones at once:

  • Select the zone to edit on the bar at the bottom, click the button MORE to go to zones that are not visible by default (1)
  • Add buttons by right clicking the area to open the button selector (2)
  • Drag buttons to the desired place (left mouse button)
  • Right click an item to pop up the menu to adjust the items display (3)
  • Remove buttons via the right click on a button
  • Click Save to save changes intermediately
  • When done, click Save and click Apply Changes when you are done

Your feedback matters!
Since this is a new way of working, we would like to hear your feedback on how you experience this new way of managing zones!

New Velbus modules

This version now supports the new Velbus modules:


And the new version of existing Velbus modules:


  • Improved stability of connections to Home center server
  • Improved stability of the Home center server itself (in some occasions it must be restarted after 2 weeks, or a month)
  • Windows setup, for the Home center Windows client, now works again for Windows XP and Windows 2009 touch panels
  • In some situations the buttons were not on the correct place on the screen in the Android app and through the Web browser

Home center

This version creates bad back up files. please update to!

Breaking change!

In this version scaling issues in the different clients were resolved!
If you made special modifications to a zone to tweak the scaling on a iPad or Android, you may need to correct the location of the buttons!

iPad app

  • For the iPad app: there was a scaling issue, so the buttons weren’t on exactly the same location as in de Android app and Windows app. This is resolved.

Android app / webbrowser

  • Scaling of screen: now always fits to the center of your window, vertically and horizontally
  • In the configuration, to better reflect there actual function:
    • Update button is now called Save
    • Reload configuration is now called Apply changes
When you hover over the buttons with the mouse their function is explained

Windows app

  • Scalling issue solved when setting a background with a different ratio then 4:3
  • Improved logging information in the about, and in the right bottom corner
  • Small UI improvements

General improvements

  • For Luxom the IP address of the DS65L is shown.
  • HISv2: An occasion crash could occur so the Home center was no longer running on the module (it was caused by network changes which messes with the operation system)
  • The manuals on the module are updated
  • When Home center restarts, now a correct ‘up time’ is shown on the status page
  • The Time sync page (for putting the time on the bus – Velbus only) is more intuitive
  • Removing Old Components sometimes did not work (in a situation where a SD card is plugged in for logging and the simulator)
  • The Presence SIMULATOR can be activated and deactivated via the Logic module!
  • The logging info by the Logic module should be more readable and more info is added to help better build the rules.
  • In the logic module: the number of available rules and number of used rules is shown.


  • Better stability for 2N intercoms (connection could get lost after aprox. 30 days)


  • Sometimes messages for OLED screens weren’t shown
  • Set time to bus page layout is more intuitive

Closing note

This intermediate version holds some smaller improvements. We publish this version before releasing the next major new features we have been working on the last few months

Home center

This brand new version brings some new features and some improvements!


  • We added support for the VMB4AN: you can view the current values (*)
  • The time sync (NTP) to the bus often didn’t work. This is now solved in this version.

Visualization via the logging will be added in a future version.


New: Frontier silicon

A total new range of music players supported! Music devices based on the Frontier Silicon chipset can now be operated from within Home center the same way Sonos is operated. This means you can stop / start the player, navigate through the current playlist, set volume, control the mute and integrate them in your Home automation system via the logic, so you can operate them through the buttons in your house and add them for example to the all off operation.

Manage music interfaces

You can now rename and remove unwanted music devices via the settings in the web interface.

2N Access unit

Now also the 2N access units are supported. The available buttons are available as toggles and inputs to operate or to use in the logic interface. They are detected automatically at startup and user name and password can be managed in the settings in the web interface.


  • Reversed the order of the regimes, so they are in the same order as in PlusConfig.
  • Bugfix: when scanning different MIN ranges, thermostats and dimmers from previously scanned ranges couldn’t be operated anymore
  • When a Sonos was in the network before the Luxom DS88L was available, Home center didn’t connect automatically to the Luxom home automation system.


  • Logging is now available in the Windows client via the About box.
  • The Windows client will now look for the home center server in all network interface (in case you have virtual networks active)
  • Improved start up of Home center server (previously could take up to 30 sec.)


  • When adding new components to a zone, in some cases you couldn’t operate them immediately.

!Breaking change!

  • None, upgrading goes smoothly!